Scarface: An Ode to the Old Warrior

"I came, I saw, I conquered." - Yes he did indeed! ne of the most accomplished and featured males of the Marsh Pride I have ever seen, prompting many wild hearts to assert him to be their most favourite one. Rest in peace, Scarface (2008 – 2021). In 2011, the Four Musketeers, comprising Scarface, Morani, Sikio and Hunter took over the Marsh Pride, overthrowing the ageing males Clawed and Romeo. In 2013, the vets provided with intense treatment for his injured eye. Later on, the Musketeers moved on and took over Paradise Pride, leaving room for the new males Askari (Rafiki) and Mpole (Karibu). Scarface lived a long life. Just shared a great memoir on him on my timeline lately. Hope he is in great condition in the "bigger Savannah upstairs", in his heavenly abode. Read More

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